Motivational Quotes in English

Motivational Quotes in English – Motivation is a driving factor for actions and goals. Motivation has been considered one of the most important reasons to move forward. The world’s most powerful Motivational Quotes in English that will change your life. No matter what the difficult situation, success will kiss you

Motivational Quotes in English for Students

Motivational Quotes in English for Students
Motivational Quotes in English for Students Text

If You Can Dream It
You Can Do It

You are never too old to set another goal
or to dream a new dream
– C.S.Lewis

Set your goals high
and do not stop
till you get there

Motivational quotes in english for students success

Motivational quotes in english for students success
Motivational quotes in english for students success

If you fell down yesterday
stand up today

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever
– Gandhi

Life is 10% what happens to you
and 90% how you react to it

Motivational thoughts in english

Motivational thoughts in english
Motivational thoughts in english Image

Learning is not a spectator sport
– D. Blocher

Only i can change my life
No one can do it for me

I will success in life
not immediately but definitely

motivational status in english

motivational status in english
motivational status in english

There is no substitute
for hard work

Setting goal is the
first step in turning the
invisible into the visible

Set your goals high
and do not stop
till you get there

Motivational lines in english

Motivational lines in english
Motivational lines in english

today a reader
tomorrow a leader
– Margaret Fuller

Change your life today
Do not gamble on your future
act now, without delay

Goals quotes in english

Do the difficult things while they are easy
and do the great things while they are small
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
– Lao Tzu

best motivational quotes in english

best motivational quotes in english
best motivational quotes in english

Do or Die
There is no try

Learning is like rowing upstream
not to advance is to drop back
– Chinese Proverb

To shine like the sun
you need to burn like one

Read – Motivational Quotes in Hindi (मोटिवेशनल कोट्स इन हिंदी)

Study Motivational Quotes in English For Friends

Study Motivational Quotes in English For Friends
Study Motivational Quotes in English For Friends

Never, never, never
never give up

It doesn’t matter how slowly you go
as long as you do not stop
– Confucius

motivational quotes in english for success

To success in life
You need two things
Ignorance and Confidence

motivation images in english

motivation images in english
motivation images in english

You never fail until
you stop trying

motivation status english

To success in life
You need two things
Ignorance and Confidence

Ever tried, Ever failed, No matter
Try again. Fail again. Fail better
– Samuel Beckett

Success Motivational Quotes in English

Success Motivational Quotes in English
Success Motivational Quotes in English

Don’t tell people your dreams
Show Them

english motivation status

Success is no accident
It is hard work
learning, studying
and most of all
love of what you are
or learning to do
― Pelé, Brazillian pro footballer

When you focus on problem
You will have more problem
When you focus on possibilities
You will have more opportunities

Motivational words in english

Motivational words in english
Motivational words in english

The power of imagination
makes us infinite

There are no secrets to success
It is the result of preparation
hard work, and learning from failure
― General Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State

However difficult life may seem
there is always something
you can do and succeed at

Inspiring quotes in english

Inspiring quotes in english
Inspiring quotes in english

Work until your idols
become your rivals

Striving for success without hard work is like
trying to harvest where you haven’t planted
― David Bly, American politician

Success isn’t overnight
It’s when every day
you get a little better than the day before
It all adds up
― Dwayne Johnson, actor and former pro-wrestler

life motivational quotes in english

life motivational quotes in english
life motivational quotes in english

Don’t limit your challenges,
challenge your limits.

Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping
work while others are loafing
prepare while others are playing
and dream while others are wishing
― William A. Ward, motivational writer

You may encounter many defeats
but you must not be defeated
In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats
so you can know who you are
what you can rise from
how you can still come out of it
― Maya Angelou, American civil rights activist and poet

Success thoughts in english

Success thoughts in english
Success thoughts in english

The starting point of all
achievement is desire

Spread love everywhere you go
Let no one ever come to you
without leaving happier
-Mother Teresa

Do not go where the path may lead
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Inspirational thoughts in english

Inspirational thoughts in english
nspirational thoughts in english

Doing what is comfortable
is rarely profitable

English motivation lines

The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched
they must be felt with the heart
-Helen Keller

Your time is limited
so don’t waste it living someone else’s life
Don’t be trapped by dogma
which is living with the results of other people’s thinking
-Steve Jobs

Student motivational quotes in english

Student motivational quotes in english
Student motivational quotes in english

The secret of getting ahead is getting started
—Mark Twain

Motivational thoughts in english for students

Don’t fear failure
Fear being in the exact same
place next year as you are today

I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career
I’ve lost almost 300 games
26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game
winning shot and missed
I’ve failed over and over
and over again in my life
and that is why I succeed
—Michael Jordan

English motivation lines

English motivation lines
English motivation lines

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard

I wake up every morning and think to myself
How far can I push this company in the next 24 hours
—Leah Busque

We need to accept that we won’t
always make the right decisions
that we’ll screw up royally sometimes
understanding that failure is not
the opposite of success it’s part of success
―Arianna Huffington

Success motivational quotes in english

Success motivational quotes in english
Success motivational quotes in english

Everything you can imagine is real
―Pablo Picasso

2 line motivational status in english

Smart people learn from everything and everyone
average people from their experiences
stupid people already have all the answers

Happiness is not something ready made
It comes from your own actions
―Dalai Lama XIV

Positive motivational quotes in english

Positive motivational quotes in english
Positive motivational quotes in english

Hustle until you no longer need to introduce yourself

Attitude motivational quotes in english

Fairy tales are more than true
not because they tell us that dragons exist
but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten
―Neil Gaiman

You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching
love like you’ll never be hurt
sing like there’s nobody listening
and live like it’s heaven on earth
—William W. Purkey

Self motivation quotes in english

Self motivation quotes in english
Self motivation quotes in english

I can and I will. Watch me
―Carrie Green

Motivational in english

You don’t have to be great to start
but you have to start to be great

When you feel like giving up just remember
that there are a lot of people
you still have to prove wrong

Motivational tagalog

Motivational tagalog
Motivational tagalog

The world is full of nice people
If you can’t find one, be one
―Nishan Panwar

Motivation quotes in tagalog

Be selective in your battles for
sometimes peace is better
than being right

A walk to a nearby park
may give you more energy
and inspiration in life than spending
two hours in front of a screen
―Tsang Lindsay

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